September 28 2021

They say “knowledge is power” but what if you don’t understand the data?

Turning raw data into easy-to-digest and usable information can help you spot seasonality trends, calculate daily stock of inventory, and identify the most efficient rotation of pallets within the warehouse.

The consequences of operating a warehouse that is poorly planned may be devastating, and the most common cause of poor design is missing or inaccurate data. To build a warehouse that fits your company's goals, you must first identify the types of data you need to gather and analyze.

The beauty of data is that it can define what you need. A great example is to compare an automated storage/retrieval system (AS/RS) designed for simplicity vs an AS/RS designed for speed:

AS/RS 1 (Simplicity)

  • Cranes direct feed docks via simple conveyor systems

  • Requires 2-4 hours to load trucks

  • Lower initial cost and easier to support

AS/RS 2 (Speed)

  • Crane feed sequencing and staging system on dock

  • Requires 30 minutes-1 hour to load trucks

  • Superior performance but more complex to upkeep

One system design is not necessarily “better” than the other, rather they are just different ways a system can be configured depending on your need. Once you define your need, you can use data analysis to help build an optimal warehouse.

If you are interested in learning more about the importance of data analysis, you can watch the How to Analyze Data to Prepare Your Warehouse for Automation seminar by Ryan Smith, VP of Automation, and Alex Eisenhart, Solutions Architect.
