Issue 8 - Automation Keeps the Supply Chain Pumping

Today’s supply chain is in need of a checkup. Many factors like the labor shortage (with an even more dire driver scarcity), inflated demand, an e-commerce boom, and a back-log of shipping containers off the coast are all affecting the health of the supply chain. While COVID-19 certainly exacerbated these issues, many warehouses are left in the balance of meeting demand while managing a hectic supply chain.

This issue of The Satellite Review focuses on “The Health of the Supply Chain.” The articles within this issue shed light on the ins and outs of warehousing automation and how a trusted automation provider, such as Westfalia Technologies, can help. We will explore why choosing to take the step toward automation will help avoid the effects of unexpected disruptions and ensure success as we head into the “new normal.”


Issue 7 - Stop the Chaos and Refocus

The current global crisis has revealed the value of warehouse automation in helping businesses maximize storage and efficiently get their product out the door to customers. We are also seeing businesses who are just beginning their automation journey facing a variety of challenges implementing solutions quickly and within tight budget constraints, as opposed to those who made the choice to invest earlier on.

This issue of The Satellite Review is themed around refocusing on how your business operates despite ongoing turmoil in the supply chain and regardless of where you are in your automation journey. The articles within this issue highlight key elements to focus on as you evaluate the benefits of automation.


Issue 6 - Future-Proofing Your Business

When you were young, you probably remember your parents telling you how import-ant it was to prepare for your future. Whether that meant furthering your education or starting a savings account and putting money away each month, these suggestions were meant to get you thinking ahead and to prepare little-by-little for what would come next. This same concept can be applied to businesses. While the exact methods will obvious-ly differ, the concept of thinking ahead to prepare for the future of the company still applies.

This issue of The Satellite Review focuses on “Future-Proofing Your Business” because of the importance of planning for long-term growth. The articles within this issue highlight key topics to consider when making the move to-ward future proofing your business with automation.


Issue 5 - Made in the USA

The "Made in the USA" mark is a country of origin label that indicates that the product is "all or virtually all" made in the Unites States. The state of American manufacturing is strong and several manufacturers have identified investment in their American facilities as a top priority for future growth. Automation stands as one of the last areas where long-term costs can be significantly reduced... learn more in the fifth edition of Westfalia's The Satellite Review Magazine.


Issue 4 - The Silver Lining

Companies today are realizing that they are continually in need of inventory storage space and the high cost/limited availability of needed real estate is forcing them to look to new solutions. Discover how automation has become the "Silver Lining" for many in the warehousing industry in the fourth edition of Westfalia's The Satellite Review Magazine.


Issue 3 - Humanizing Automation

It is not just the efficiency of equipment that defines the success of a project, but rather the quality of the processes and people involved in running the system. Take a look at how humanizing automation will change the future of manufacturing in the third edition of Westfalia's The Satellite Review Magazine.


Issue 2 - Game Changers

Like a professional sports player striving for continuous improvement, we must all keep a mindset of innovation and be game changers for our selected specialty. Learn how material handling and an AS/RS can position companies for success in the second edition of Westfalia's The Satellite Review Magazine.


Issue 1 - A Road Less Traveled

Welcome to the first edition of Westfalia Technologies, Inc. The Satellite Review Magazine. With insightful and descriptive articles, interviews and photos, The Satellite Review highlights the trends and latest happenings in the automated material handling and logistics industry.
